Item Description
SCS E-Learning Centralized is a centralized learning platform. This project suite contains following components:
Backend (written in spring boot and openjdk 16)
Backoffice (written in react / functional / typescript)
Frontend (written in react / functional / typescript)
Frontend Mobile (written in flutter)
It is a multi-language, multi-theme, easily extensible, customizable and centralized e-learning platform. Admins in Backoffice can
Create courses, publish/unpublish them and sell them. Videos are converted to the hls files by upload, thumbnails are created and for each video multiple subtittle files can be added. Each course consists of sections, practice test list (one or multiple) , what you will learn set, requirements, audience. Each section consists of lectures, quiz list (one or multiple), links. Each lecture can contain assignments (Assignments are open questions with solutions).
Add, edit and delete PayPal account (Paypal account is important in order to create course).
Users in Frontend can
Purchase course
Search for courses (advanced search and autocompletion are supported)
Add courses to the shopping cart and remove them from the shopping cart
Add courses to the favorite list and remove them from the favorite list
View course progress
Preview the courses before purchasing them
Add reviews to the purchased courses
Ask and answer questions in QA section of the purchased course
Leave comments in the course announcements of the course owners
Add notes to the lectures
Download receipt and invoice of the purchased courses
Download certificate of the course upon completion
Out of box English and German languages are supported (in Backoffice, Frontend and Mobile), and you can add your own language as well. It is as easy as coping translation files and adjusting their values.
By default dark and light modes are enabled (in Backoffice, Frontend and Mobile). You can change themes and add your own colors as well.
Transactions are processed through PayPal Gateway. Only one PayPal account is needed in order to accept payments from customers.
Communications among components are realized through GraphQL. We believe that GraphQL is the future of web, that is why we prefer GraphQL to REST or other protocols.
We have used the best tools, languages, frameworks and design principles in order to build this platform. SCS E-Learning Centralized looks very nice and is easy to get started, because every component (apart from mobile) is containerized. All you have to do in order to launch SCS E-Learning Centralized Platform in production is to execute docker-compose.yml file in your server machine.
And if you want to extend the product, you can do it. Our licensing model permits you to do so. You get full access to the source code and it belongs to you.
Version / Compatibility
1) Backend (jdk 16, gradle 7, spring boot 2)
2) Backoffice (react 17, typescript 4)
3) Frontend (react 17, typescript 4)
4) Frontend Mobile (flutter 2, dart 2)
Product Features
1) Complete full stack project
2) Localization support (out of box English and German)
3) Multiple themes (out of box light and dark mode)
4) Modern frameworks, best tools and security first
5) Easy to install locally and in production, because of containerization
6) Two docker-compose files: one for the local environment and one for the production environment
7) Nice, precise documentation in addition to the the source code.
8) Full support regarding any question about the product (but if you want AnyDesk/TeamViewer session, we offer this service as well, checkout out FAQ section please).
# Backend Features
Multiple Spring Boot Profiles
GraphiQL Web Interface
Voyager Web Interface
# Backend Specs
OpenJDK 16
Spring Boot
Spring Boot Data JPA
Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Boot Validation
Spring Boot Web
Spring Boot Security
Spring Boot Mail
Spring Boot Thymeleaf
Spring Boot Configuration Processor
Spring Boot Starter WebSocket
Spring Boot Starter AMQP
Spring Boot Starter Reactor Netty
JsonWebtoken JJWT
Mysql Connector
GraphQL Kickstart
GraphiQL Spring Boot Voyager Starter
Voyager Spring Boot Starter
Papal SDK
Commons Lang
Commons IO
# Backoffice Features
*) Creating and un-/publishing courses and selling them
*) Adding course announcements
*) Responding to reviews
*) Dashboard for latest male users, female users, published and unpublished courses, purchased course
*) Sales chart
*) 1 month comparison data of total users, female members, male members, courses, payments, notifications, reports, messages etc.
*) Multiple admin accounts / Creating and deleting admin accounts
*) Blocking and unblocking users
*) Realtime notifications
*) Creating, editing and deleting FAQs (in multiple languages)
*) Creating, editing and deleting About US (adding new staff members, deleting and editing existing staff members, editing title, description)
*) Creating, editing and deleting Contact US (contact information, offices and so on)
*) Admins search
*) Users search
*) Course search
*) Purchased Course search
*) Category search
*) Creating and editing Agreement and Confidentiality
*) Autocomplete and search history, deleting search history items and clearing search history entirely
*) Resolving submitted reports
*) Previewing course
*) Deleting course
# Backoffice Specs
React Functional
React Material
React Reducer
React Router
React Router Dom
Apollo GraphQL
Pigeon Maps
React Quill
React Chartjs-2
React Draggable
SockJS Client
Tabler Icons React
Apollo Upload Client
React Player
# Frontend Features
*) Previewing courses before purchasing them
*) Adding reviews to purchased courses
*) Downloading certificate after completing the course
*) Adding questions (and answering them) to the QA sections of purchased courses
*) Adding notes to the lectures
*) Commenting on the course announcements
*) Adding courses to the shopping cart and removing them
*) Adding courses to the favourite list and removing them
*) Viewing current progress in each purchased course
*) Account (User can create an account, recover the account etc.)
*) Profile Details (e.g. headline, biography, website url, Facebook, twitter, YouTube url , PayPal account, etc)
*) Permissions (specifying which users (all users or logged in users) can view profile.
*) Realtime messaging (sending text messages, emojis)
*) Realtime Notifications (for all major personal events like photo is liked, verified, disliked, commented, event was cancelled, reactived by the event organizer, etc.). User can mark single or all notifications as read, and delete single or all of them.
*) Search History (search text fields have autocomplete features, and every user has their personalised search history, which will be suggested when they search for users, user events). Users can view and delete single or all of the search history.
*) Reporting lectures, assignments, quiz, practice test, course, reviews, questions in QA list, comments in announcement list etc.
# Frontend Specs
React Functional
React Material
React Reducer
React Router
React Router Dom
Apollo GraphQL
Pigeon Maps
React Quill
React Chartjs-2
React Draggable
SockJS Client
Tabler Icons React
Apollo Upload Client
React Player
React Share
React To Print
# Frontend Mobile Features
*) Previewing courses before purchasing them
*) Adding reviews to purchased courses
*) Downloading certificate after completing the course
*) Adding questions (and answering them) to the QA sections of purchased courses
*) Adding notes to the lectures
*) Commenting on the course announcements
*) Adding courses to the shopping cart and removing them
*) Adding courses to the favourite list and removing them
*) Viewing current progress in each purchased course
*) Account (User can create an account, recover the account etc.)
*) Profile Details (e.g. headline, biography, website url, Facebook, twitter, YouTube url , PayPal account, etc)
*) Permissions (specifying which users (all users or logged in users) can view profile and which users (all users or students) can send messages).
*) Realtime messaging (sending text messages, emojis)
*) Realtime Notifications (for all major personal events like photo is liked, verified, disliked, commented, event was cancelled, reactived by the event organizer, etc.). User can mark single or all notifications as read, and delete single or all of them.
*) Search History (search text fields have autocomplete features, and every user has their personalised search history, which will be suggested when they search for users, user events). Users can view and delete single or all of the search history.
*) Reporting lectures, assignments, quiz, practice test, course, reviews, questions in QA list, comments in announcement list etc.
# Frontend Mobile Specs
Flutter / Dart
Carousel Slider
Cool Alert
Country Icons
Flutter Localizations
Flutter Launcher Icons
Flutter Map
Flutter Rating Bar
Flutter Translate
Flutter Translate Annotations
Get It
GQL Http Link
Image Picker
Url Launcher
Flutter Redux
Redux Thunk
Flutter Quill
Stomp Dart Client
Flutter Translate Gen
Webview Flutter
Change App Package Name
Video Player Web Hls
Pip View
Share Plus
Open File
All Reviews
Verified source code
Free support included
100% Satisfaction guarantee
Download code immediately after purchase
Published by the developer
Quality guarantee for your satisfaction
Support: or live chat
All Questions
Category | Scripts & Code / Java |
First Release | 24 February 2022 |
Last updated | 2 March 2022 |
Files included | .html, .css, .cs, .java, .c |
File Size | 160 MB |
Database version | MySQL 5.x |
Frameworks | Java |
Money back guarantee policy applies.